2006 MCI D4505 1-Owner Motor Coach SOLD
| Buses And More | SOLD
2006 MCI D4505 1-Owner Motor Coach SOLD
Unit #57031 is a nice ONE-OWNER COACH with only 165,000 actual one-owner miles.
- Delivered new 12/30/2005
- New style d coach with g coach style headlamps
- Frameless side passenger windows
- Alcoa hub piloted wheels
- Disc brakes front trailing and drive wheels
- Cd, dvd, satellite radio with 2 channel amplifier and pa
- 6 lcd 10.4” flat screen radio engineering monitors
- Cat c13 12.5 litre 410 hp engine with zf ast transmission
- Carrier heating/cooling
- Teleflex aux heating
- National driver seating
- 54 amaya brasil passenger seating with arm rests
- Upholstered seat backs in dark grey carpet with grab handles and coat hooks
- Circular stair well grey ribbed
- Side window blinds
- Parcel rack compartment with doors including lock on #1 for driver with key
- Driver beverage holder
- Keyless rocker start in liew of keyed ignition
- Pro heat auxiliary engine heater with mp circulating pump
- Jacobs engine brake
- Dual bosch alternators
- Fuel pro fuel filter
- Steerable trailing axle
- 182 gallon fuel capicity eng gov speed 70mph
- Card table with 2 reversible seats
- Three led side turn lights lamps per side
This coach is stored off site, but it can be seen by appointment, call today.
Come take a look at what a “good used coach” should be. |
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