Posts Tagged: Wheelchair

1997 MCI 102DL3 Wheel Chair Accessible Motor Coach SOLD

1997 MCI 102DL3 Wheel Chair Accessible Motor Coach SOLD Unit #49169 is a rust-free Nevada Coach that is very unusual. This coach was part of a large fleet in the Reno area and suffered a mechanical breakdown at just over 100,000 total coach miles. The company never repaired it and instead removed the engine cradle,… Read more »

1986 MCI 102A3 Wheelchair Lift Bus SOLD

1986 MCI 102A3 Wheelchair Lift Bus SOLD This is a Detroit Diesel Series 50 powered west coast bus! A real bargain on a nice MCI 102A3 Wheelchair Lift equipped coach, originally from California, Unit #05487.It is powered by a Detroit Diesel Series 50 engine installed by a local Detroit Diesel dealer in California. FacebookEmailTwitterLinkedinShare this…